About Smart Start of Transylvania County
Smart Start of Transylvania County is a non-profit organization that is part of the North Carolina Partnership for Children, a nationally recognized, award-winning early childhood initiative designed to ensure that young children enter school healthy and ready to succeed.
The North Carolina Partnership for Children's vision is that each child reaches his or her potential and is prepared for success in a global community. Its mission is to advance a high quality, comprehensive, accountable system of care and education for each child beginning with a healthy birth.
The power of Smart Start is that it delivers outcomes by giving communities local control to determine the best approach to achieving them.
Our Mission
In partnership with families, organizations, and individuals, we influence the well-being of children. We accept responsibility for the improvement of high-quality early care and education for young children in Transylvania County.
Our Vision
We envision a community in which every young child in Transylvania County is thriving.
Our Values
Adhering to standards of high-quality in all that we do, while continuously adapting, improving, and creating new possibilities.
Sharing leadership and responsibility in our work with others to ensure diverse participation and more effective outcomes.
Seeking the valuable participation, cooperation, and contributions of families, organizations, and individuals to realize our vision.
Communicating information about the organization's mission, policies, finances, and programs with clarity and accuracy.
Organizational Integrity
Acting openly, ethically, honestly, and respectfully to maintain the public's trust.
Creating an effective, results-driven, culture that nurtures families and young children.
In Collaboration With Our Community Partners We Are Working To:
Be the champion for young children through collaboration, educating the public, and influencing public policy.
Ensure young children have equitable access to developmentally appropriate, high quality learning.
Assist and encourage early childhood educators in their pursuit of excellence and promote an environment that elevates the profession.
Pursue opportunities to advance the health and well-being of young children and their families.

Experiences during early childhood literally shape the structure of the brain. Because today's children are tomorrow's leaders, parents and workers, everyone has a stake in making sure that all children have the experiences they need to thrive.
Smart Start brings together all the people involved in a young child's life - families, teachers, doctors, caregivers, social workers, and many others - to ensure every child has all they need for healthy growth and development.